2 research outputs found

    TrendyGenes, a computational pipeline for the detection of literature trends in academia and drug discovery

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    TrendyGenes Literature Mining This repository contains the files and code to build the TrendyGenes pipeline described in the paper "TrendyGenes, a computational pipeline for the detection of literature trends in academia and drug discovery" (Serrano Nájera et al. 2021). Contents The folder contains the following files: PubMed_*.csv.gz: CSV files containing PubMed metadata (titles, abstracts etc.) split into multiple files CoCitations*.csv.gz: CSV files containing co-citation networks computed from PubMed MeSH2PMID.csv.gz: Map of MeSH terms to PMIDs Authorship_Neo4J_complete.csv.gz: Authorship information for PubMed papers Disease2PMID_Neo4J_complete.csv.gz: Map of disease terms to PMIDs after disambiguation Genes_Neo4J_complete_CCPU.csv.gz: Map of genes to PMIDs after disambiguation genes.csv.gz: List of human genes diseases.csv.gz: List of MeSH disease terms import_command*.txt: Commands to import data into Neo4j graph database Building the Knowledge Graph The various CSV files can be imported into a Neo4j graph database to build the knowledge graph containing publications, authors, genes, diseases etc. and their connections as described in the paper. The import_command*.txt files contain the Neo4J bulk import syntax needed to import the data into Neo4j: https://neo4j.com/developer/guide-import-csv/ Citation Serrano Nájera G, Narganes Carlón D, Crowther DJ. TrendyGenes, a computational pipeline for the detection of literature trends in academia and drug discovery. Scientific Reports. 2021 Aug 3;11(1):15747. License [MIT] This summarizes the key files provided and briefly explains how they can be used to build the knowledge graph database for the TrendyGenes pipeline. The citation provides a reference to the original paper